Submit your event for our Uptown Calendar

What’s the buzz? Tell us what’s a-happening!

Please use the below form to submit your event to be posted in the awesome Uptown Westerville Inc. Calendar, the go-to online listing for people checking out what’s going on in historic Uptown.

Please limit entries to events happening in or near Uptown. You will be asked to select a venue and organizer for the event. If none of the many available applies, you may add your own.

A photo of some type is required. A company or event logo can suffice. Photos will display in a 16-by-9 ratio — kind of a horizontal, letterbox proportion — and resolution of 72dpi at 800 by 450 pixels is preferred. Submitted photos in other dimensions will be cropped or edited to fit.

You must be authorized by the event organizer to submit events, and must have rights to use the accompanying photo or artwork!