Site relaunch focuses on beauty of Uptown, new features

Jun 15, 2023 | By Joe Meyer, Uptown News | 1 comment

Earlier this week, we launched an updated website for Uptown Westerville Inc.

We hope the feel of the updated site conveys the beauty, heritage and bustling activity of our historic Uptown district in 2023.

You’ll note the new design’s emphasis on photos of Uptown’s beautiful architecture and of people involved in our great events. The heavier focus on photos and a more sectionalized design highlight many new and repackaged features.

The redesign also features a new calendar, this relaunched blog, a refangled e-store for ticket sales and the like, and better integration with our social media and outreach efforts.

We hope you will enjoy the new look and features, and welcome your feedback!

As always, our communication efforts are a work in progress. We will always work to make them better.

As stated elsewhere, the vibrancy today of Westerville’s historic business district is no accident. It’s the work of many partners, coordinated by a group dedicated to preserving the area’s history and growing its future: Uptown Westerville Inc.

We like to call communication “the secret sauce” to these efforts, and our communication work coalesces at this website. UWI counts on residents, business owners and public stakeholders in the community to be engaged in this communication, to support a thriving Uptown.

UWI has undergone tremendous growth since its founding in 2017. We’ve grown organically, stepping up when the need arises for coordination leadership. Just a few examples of the big jobs we’ve taken on include the National Registry application for the Uptown District, assuming responsibility from other organizations for staging Uptown’s 4th Friday street festivals and for producing the Saturday Morning Farmers Market behind City Hall, and acting as the applicant to establish Uptown’s Designated Outdoor Dining Area (DORA).

Our initial website was starting to feel the strain of all those additional duties. After six years, we thought it was time to reorganize.

Let us know what you think!

As with any site relaunch, we expect a learning curve and a few bumps along the way. But continual updates should smooth the path. Please don’t hesitate to let us know what you think of the site or to suggest improvements.

Also as stated elsewhere on the site, “In every endeavor, UWI seeks to bring all the invested partners together in a joint effort to polish this jewel that we call, ‘Uptown.’ …  As a rising tide lifts all boats, promotion of the Uptown heart of Westerville benefits all of the community.“

Please consider this updated UWI website another of those collaborative efforts to preserve and grow our great Uptown, and benefit all of Westerville.

Comment below or reach us through our Contact page to let us know what you think of the new site. We look forward to hearing from you!



Up next in Uptown