Saturday Night Live at JC March 29

Saturday Night Live at JC March 29

Saturday night live music: 7-9:30p.m. MARCH 29 – THE BRICKWALK NIGHTS – A JC favorite band performing a widely diverse and upbeat program – Lots of fun and great entertainment! Featuring singer/uke player BRADY FULTON, singer/guitarist CARLTON HOCKADAY, CAROLINE...
Saturday Night Live at JC March 22

Saturday Night Live at JC March 22

Saturday night live music: 7-9:30p.m. MARCH 22 – String Theory – This excellent upbeat band is one of the best around that plays spot on classic ’60s­’80s+ rock: Jefferson Airplane, Beatles, Police, Eagles, Fleetwood Mac and much more. Excellent musicians...
Saturday Night Live at JC March 15

Saturday Night Live at JC March 15

Saturday night live music: 7-9:30p.m. MARCH 15 – Rick Barr – A very popular and prolific performer and songwriter who plays all over town, and hosts several of his own open mics. Rick’s deep vocals and styling are often Johnny Cash, but he will also play his original...
Acoustic Open Mic at Java Central

Acoustic Open Mic at Java Central

Weekly open mic Live Music via Acoustic Open Mic at Java Central, welcoming everyone with musical talent and/or aspirations to sing and play – considered one of the best around. To sign up, first come during a Friday or Saturday evening and talk to Ralph. He will then...
Acoustic Open Mic at Java Central

Acoustic Open Mic at Java Central

Weekly open mic Live Music via Acoustic Open Mic, welcoming everyone with musical talent and/or aspirations to sing and play – considered one of the best around. To sign up, first come during a Friday or Saturday evening and talk to Ralph. He will then add you on the...