Friday night live music: 7-9 p.m. Come enjoy Live Music from Jamie Ravine at Good Vibes Feb 7! We are excited to have Jamie back playing at Good Vibes. Jamie is local singer/songwriter with an active presence on the cental Ohio music scene. You will definitely not...
Sip & Sketch – Northern Lights Sip & Sketch at North High Brewery, 250 S. State St., in a class organized by the Arts Council of Westerville. Capture shimmering curtains of Northern Lights dancing across the night sky on canvas with acrylics. No...
6:30-8:30 p.m. Feeling Artistic…or just want to come and have fun and drink some wine? Sign up for Sip & Sketch. Cost is only $40 per person which includes all supplies AND 2 glasses of wine. Register at Go to Classes, then Adult...
Friday night live music: 7-9 p.m. JAN. 10 – Faye Williams – New to Good Vibes, Faye is an indie rock artist based out of Columbus. Faye embraces the influences of Nirvana, Halsy and Eddie Vedder. We look forward to having her play at Good...
Friday night live music: 7-9 p.m. Come enjoy Live Music from Mike Wolfe at Good Vibes Jan 24! Mike is from right here in Westerville and has been playing guitar and singing for nearly four decades. He plays songs from the ’70s through today and also wrote “Good...