

Donate to or Become a Member of UWI

Uptown Westerville Inc. (UWI) is proud to support the City of Westerville by preserving its historic heritage, supporting its economic vitality and building community in the City’s center core. 

Our historic preservation efforts sustain the charm and character of our unique Uptown. Our activities and events build and promote a vibrant community for residents and visitors to enjoy. ​

When small businesses thrive, when residents have pride for their home, when people visit from other towns, and when our community is connected, the future of our favorite place is bright. 

fourth member


If you enjoy the events and projects UWI has brought to Westerville, please consider supporting our efforts with a tax-deductible donation to the organization.

In addition to the events on the postcard above, UWI also presents the Uptown DORA (Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area), the Historic Plaques on Uptown commercial buildings, the Westerville Art Hop, the Uptown Cookie Walk and also added Uptown Westerville to the National Parks Services listing as a Historic Commercial District.

Business Partnership


Small Business Partnership — $200

Small Business Partnerships are for businesses specifically in the Uptown Historic Commercial District. Partnership with UWI offers features that uniquely benefit your organization. These include:​


UWI events attract over 125,000 visitors to Uptown from across Ohio, generating more than $2.5 million in sales for Uptown Westerville stores and businesses. Your $200 contribution supports UWI’s efforts to maintain Uptown Westerville as a vibrant business district for both residents and businesses.

Additional Benefits:

  • Free Participation in The Uptown Cookie Walk: Valued at $275 (cookies provided by UWI) and introducing approximately 750 people to your business.
  • Increased and Consistent Foot Traffic: Due to popular events like the Farmers Market, Fourth Friday, and walking tours (Uptown Ghost Tours, Uptown Clue, and Uptown Epic Beer Walk). Parking app data indicates the highest Uptown parking use on Farmers Market Saturdays (excluding 4th Friday).
  • 50% Discount on State Street Booths: For member businesses, a $375 savings for the season.
  • Free Participation in the Westerville Art Hop: Attracting over 3,000 visitors to Westerville businesses.
  • Free Quarter Page Ad in Stroll Magazine: Valued at $250, distributed to 1600 households in the Highland Lakes neighborhoods.
  • Free Presence on the UWI Website and Uptown Calendar: Includes a free feature opportunity in a UWI blog post. The website receives over 74K visits per year, with blog posts on Ampersand garnering 5,230 interactions and on Art Hop garnering 1,200 interactions.
  • Free Training and Grant Opportunities: Through Main Street America and Heritage Ohio, thanks to UWI’s status as an Ohio Main Street organization.
  • Uptown DORA Administration: Over 40,000 DORA drinks sold in 2023, boosting the district’s economic development.

Preservation Efforts:

  • National Register of Historic Places: UWI successfully listed the Uptown Westerville Commercial District.
  • Historic Bronze Plaques: Installed on 37 Uptown commercial properties, also featured in the Westerville Public Library’s walking tours.
  • Liaison to the City of Westerville: UWI serves as the primary contact for Uptown businesses.

These highlights represent just a portion of the benefits of membership. Your contributions help keep Uptown vibrant, authentic, and relevant. Thank you for your membership! 


Gold Level Business Membership — $1,000

General Business Memberships include all the features of the Small Business Membership, plus:

  • ​Special presence on event pages with corporate logo
  • ​Recognition on event volunteer shirts
  • Ability to have a tent/table at UWI events such as Fourth Friday or the Farmers Market
  • Ability to have organizational brochures or literature handed out at UWI events.