Annual Meeting and Program
The Westerville Historical Society will hold its annual dessert buffet and special program at 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 17, in McVay Halt at the Church of the Messiah, 51 N. State St.
The featured speaker will be Dale Gnidovec, Collections Manager and Curator of OSU’s Orton Geological Museum, who will present the program, Ice Age Ohio.
Dr. Gnidovec’s interest is in paleontology, with a special interest in dinosaurs. The museum has a collection of more than 54,000 rocks, minerals and fossils which tell the story of Ohio’s early history.
The program will be preceded by a dessert buffet and there will be a charge for admission — $6 for WHS members and $8 for nonmembers.
Fill out the form below and mail payment to WHS, P O Box 1063, Westervilie, OH 43086.
Scan it (or snap a picture) and email it to and you will receive an invoice via email that you can pay online.